
The TSP Ended With a BANG

The 401(k)-style retirement savings program of the federal government has completed 2019 with a bang as every fund increased in value this year. Except for a single portfolio, all the others saw net positive results in 2019.
The I Fund led the rally for the Thrift Savings Plan in December, which saw an increase of 3.24% during the month of December. The fund grew 22.47% in 2019 alone.
The F fund was the sole TSP portfolio, which ended December with a […]


Good News for Federal Workers

While this year started off with a government shutdown that was the longest ever in US history, it ended well for federal workers. Apart from a generous pay raise, Pres. Trump also decided to provide increased federal benefits to government employees – twelve weeks of fully paid parental leave in the event of the birth, fostering, or adoption of children. However, there were a few bad and good changes as well. Here is the complete rundown:
Paychecks are going to […]


Federal Agencies Are Now Requiring an Updated Management Model

Government agencies are now dealing with important performance issues, which can be pointed to the society and attitude that the present civil service culture has formed, the reliance put on old ways of doing things and policies, and an older workforce. Most of the time good leadership is needed for dealing with these issues. The good news is that recent success stories continue to confirm that it is possible to have good work performance.
There are many obstacles blocking the […]


New Government Plans: Elevate and Elevate Plus

The FEHB Program has made the decision to offer out two governmentwide indemnity plans: Elevate Plus and Elevate, which is to be controlled by GEHA. This will be the first move in more than 30 years.
Even though, to say they are ‘indemnity’ plans may not be accurate. Although they do look like typical indemnity plans, these new plans come under a new fee-for-service category. Unlike conventional indemnity plans that don’t use doctors’ networks and pay out set percentages of […]


Delaying Retirement

There are many people who choose not to retire despite turning 65. Millie Parson, a notable FBI employee retired at the age of 88 after working for over 62 years. She lived for another 11 years in retirement till the age of 99. There is also Emil Corwin, who started at the US FDA till the age of 74 and the retired at 96. Corwin passed away shortly before turning 108 years old.
Not everyone is thinking about working for […]


The FEHB Program is Ready to Provide Two Government Indemnity Plans for a Wide Variety of Workers

The FEHB Program is ready to provide two government indemnity plans for a wide variety of workers: Elevate Plus and Elevate, these two are to be run by GEHA. It’s been 30 years since such a move has been done.
Even though, to say they are ‘indemnity’ plans may not be completely true. Even though they might look like typical indemnity plans, these types of plans fall under a fee-for-service type of plan. Unlike traditional indemnity plans that do not […]


Labor Authority Preliminarily Finds Social Security Illegally Intimidated Union Officials

A preliminary conclusion made by a FLRA investigator shows that Social Security Administration officials had made illegal attempts to intimidate AALJ officials earlier in the year.
The union had filed a labor practice disagreement back in June complaining that management officials had issued verbal threats about disciplining union officials after it came to light that they used official time and left their workspaces for preparing for their collective bargaining negotiation session, in spite of the fact that this practice is […]


A TSP Fund Which Has Seen a Growth of 23% in 2019…

October Is Considered to Be A Negative Month for those investing in the Stock Market Stock.
Some stock investors consider October to be a month during which their fortunes suffer. Even though October have seen several spectacular market crashes, when taken on an average basis, stocks have given positive returns. Some investors only remember the record crashes of around 19.7% & 21.5% that took place during the Octobers of 1929 and 1987. On an average, October has seen a return […]


Solving the Health Plan Puzzle

The FEHBP will be available from November 11 to December 9 in 2019. You don’t have a lot of time for ensuring that you’ve chosen the right healthcare plan that will take care of your requirements for 2020. It isn’t too early for people to start looking at their options. Recently, major changes have been made to the health program. New options are now available.
FEHBP healthcare plans offer these benefits: laboratory services; emergency services; mental health disorder services (which […]


New Flexible Rules for TSP Withdrawals Stirs Things Up

TSP management, who are in charge of handling the 401(k)-style retirement savings program of the federal government employees remarked that the provision of expanded withdrawal options to employees had made a great shift in how retirees and federal employees have been using their retirement accounts.
The TSP Modernization Act had been put in by the TSP last month, which allows multiple post-separation partial withdrawals to all employees who are participants. Federal employees 59½ years or older can make 4 in-services […]