DOGE and Employees
- Monday March 31st at 12pm ET - What Every Federal & Postal Employee Needs to Know Right Now.
- Wednesday April 2nd at 12pm ET - How to Financially Prepare for Uncertainty, The Right Solutions for Federal Employees
- Friday April 4th at 12pm ET - DOGE & Its Impact on Federal and Postal Employees
The Latest News
Who We Are
The Benefit Coordinators is a subsidiary of MyLife Services which was formed in 1996 by prior military and federal employees. Our focus has always been to educate employees on their group benefits, such as federal short term disability. Our philosophy is, not everyone needs the same thing and if you don’t know what you don’t know how can you succeed?
What We Do
We assist you in understanding your current core benefits and how they work now and in retirement. By having a clear picture, you can then create a retirement plan that works for both you and your family through either a personal benefit review or our Lunch and Learn and ala Carte Workshops.
Request A Consultation
The Federal Group Life Insurance premium can increase 440% over the working career of an employee’s career. Seek alternatives to this expensive group life insurance policy.
Even though there are 2 broad pension programs for the government employee, there are several retirement options within each. Do you know your retirement program and the best retirement option?
The Thrift Savings Plan offers a multitude of choices. They include matched and unmatched options, Also, tax-deferred and tax-free selections are available. With so many possibilities you may need our help.
U.S Government Approved Vendor
The Benefit Coordinators is subsidiary of MyLife Services which formed in 1996 by prior military and federal employees. Our goal is to provide educational and supplemental services to Federal and Postal employees as well as Military personnel and their families.
Please check us out and give us call.
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What is the System for Award Management (SAM)?
The SAM is the primary vendor database for the United States Federal Government. The SAM collects, validates, stores and disseminates data in support of agency acquisition missions.
SAM validates the vendors information and electronically shares the secure and encrypted data with the federal agencies’ finance offices to facilitate paperless payments through electronic funds transfer (EFT). Additionally, SAM shares the data with government procurement and electronic business systems.
Contact your local advisor for more information.