Author - John Sanders

Government Employee New Year Resolutions: A Survival Guide

Ah, the New Year—a time for hope, optimism, and wildly unrealistic goals that fizzle out by February. But hey, if you’re a government employee, your resolutions aren’t just goals—they’re mission-critical objectives.
Here’s a peek into the ultimate New Year resolution list for federal and postal workers:

Actually Use My Leave: Because […]


What Does Your Love Language Say About Your Finances?

Have you ever considered that your preferences for receiving love can tell us a lot about how you view your finances? According to Life Happens’ recent survey “For Love and Money,” each of the five love languages has a corresponding financial style.
What one of the five love languages best […]


Tips for Waking Up Refreshed and Alert

There are some very simple and doable things you can start doing right away to alter how you wake up every morning.
Researchers have found that by focusing on three crucial factors—sleep, exercise, and breakfast—you can wake up every morning without feeling sluggish.
Do you experience morning grogginess before drinking your […]


OPM needs to do more to stop improper FEHBP payments.

According to a report released by the Government Accountability Office on Monday, OPM lacks a comprehensive system for keeping track of participants’ eligibility in the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program.
Despite the Office of Personnel Management’s recent implementation of a new system to lower the risk of fraud within the […]


Working Dogs should get better attention and care at their Agencies.

Numerous federal agencies, notably those responsible for security and law enforcement, rely on working dogs to assist them in carrying out their duties. A recent analysis from the Government Accountability Office reveals that agencies are not meeting their obligations to maintain the health and effectiveness of these dogs.
There are […]


Work Benefits after Retirement

Is an encore career right for you? Some federal employees continue to work after retiring from their government positions. It merely acts as a starting point for a new form of work.
Let’s analyze some of the advantages and possible downsides of starting an encore career.
You may be eligible to […]