Author - John Sanders

Research proves half of the phishing attacks target government employees

Phishing attacks, which historically aimed to steal credentials, are becoming more advanced.
A recent report revealed that nearly 50% of all phishing attacks last year targeted government workers who risk stealing their login information.
As many agencies continued to pursue hybrid work in light of the COVID-19 outbreak, researchers at cloud security firm Lookout discovered that public-sector employees were the target of 50% of all credential-stealing phishing scams in 2021, increasing from 30% in 2020.
Phishing attempts aim to steal credentials or […]


The quantity of TSP millionaires keeps declining.

Members in the Thrift Savings Plan, whose accounts have a combined value of over $1 million, are seeing a steady decline in the number. According to the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board, there are currently about 65,000 TSP millionaires. That represents a 36% drop from last year and a 9.3% drop from the previous quarter. TSP millionaires now account for slightly under 1% of all TSP accounts. Comparatively, those figures to 1.7% last fiscal quarter and 3% in the […]


New Data reveals the widening of the Federal Pay Gap with the Private Sector.

There may be an increasing wage disparity between the federal government and the private sector. may Be widening, According to New Data. Union representatives pushed the Biden administration to offer a more generous raise than the 4.6% average increase planned for the following year, and a body representing executives encouraged officials to look into more extensive pay reform initiatives.
The wage disparity between federal employees and those in the private sector is again expanding, as per the new data presented […]


Many veterans are getting hired; it’s going to be a difficult transition

Phillip Slaughter got the job of hauling packages for FedEx after serving 18 years in the army. He is grateful for his job because the U.S. is experiencing a record for the lowest veteran employment.
He was not interested in doing it as the job worsened his post-traumatic stress disorder. It took him three years and several jobs to find his ideal job as a sourcing recruiter for a tech company. Slaughter currently runs his own company with fellow vets, […]


5 Expert Tips for upgrading Government Customer Experience

A lot of effort indeed has to be put in to provide a good customer experience. It doesn’t happen by mere accident. Almost a year after Joe Biden, the president, issued a directive on the subject, a representative of the Office of Management and Budget reemphasized the significance of enhancing the customer experience with the federal government on Tuesday.
According to Andy Lewandowski, customer experience, cyber security, IT modernization, and exploiting data as strategic assets are the four primary goals […]


How long does it take to process a FERS disability application?

Federal workers with medical conditions who cannot work may be eligible for disability benefits under the Federal Employment Retirement System.
But you might wonder, “What is the FERS disability retirement processing time” if you’re applying for FERS benefits. Then, you must ask, “Why is it taking so long?” Can we speed up the process?
This article will assist in providing answers to some of the most often popular questions about the FERS disability retirement working phase, even though there are many […]


In 2023, Federal retirees will have the greatest COLA rise since more than forty years.

The cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for Social Security pensioners and Federal retirees is about to climb by the most in more than 40 years.
According to a Social Security Administration announcement made on October 13th, the COLA will rise by 8.7% for 2023. That sum will not, however, be added to the paychecks of all federal retirees. Beginning in January, those who participate in the Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS) will get a 7.7% COLA.
Given the high levels of inflation and […]


Good News from the White House! Federal Workers Getting A 4.6% Pay Raise!

Good News from the White House! Federal Workers Getting A 4.6% Pay Raise!
The day finally came. Recently, President Joe Biden informed government workers about wage increases for the upcoming term.
Biden stated his intention to submit a total average increase of 4.6% for civilian government workers in a routine letter to the Congress, in line with projections in the 2023 budget.
This comprises a 4.1% baseline rise in pay overall and a 0.5% average wage rise per area. Biden’s rates will become […]


Here Is How Mobile Apps Can Have A Positive Impact on the Readiness of Servicewomen

Here Is How Mobile Apps Can Have a Positive Impact on the Readiness of Servicewomen
It is common knowledge that in the military, mission operations use “readiness” as a risk reduction strategy. Extensive experience has shown us all that “dangers to personnel escalate as readiness declines.”
Although every department of the armed forces is aware of this, operational preparedness and manpower issues persist. The U.S. Department of Defense “needs to rebuild the readiness of the U.S. military and modernize its equipment and systems […]


Let’s Talk About Why the Government Is Using Artificial Intelligence for the People

Let’s Talk About Why the Government Is Using Artificial Intelligence for the People
The fact that President Biden’s fiscal budget for next year includes extra financing for research on artificial intelligence shows how considerably the government of the United States has increased its investment in artificial intelligence over the last couple of years.
It is evident that there is a growing interest for the technology in government given that more than $2 billion is granted to the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the Department of Energy for AI […]