A TSP Fund Which Has Seen a Growth of 23% in 2019…

A TSP Fund Which Has Seen a Growth of 23% in 2019…

October Is Considered to Be A Negative Month for those investing in the Stock Market Stock.

Some stock investors consider October to be a month during which their fortunes suffer. Even though October have seen several spectacular market crashes, when taken on an average basis, stocks have given positive returns. Some investors only remember the record crashes of around 19.7% & 21.5% that took place during the Octobers of 1929 and 1987. On an average, October has seen a return of around 0.58% during the last forty years.

Best-Rated TSP Fund Returns in October

The stock market had a great run during the month of October in 2019. I Fund was to be the market’s top performer. Thanks to a monthly growth of around 3.6%. This fund has seen a growth of over 17% in 2019 alone.

C Fund has seen a growth of 2.16% this October too. The fund’s value has increased by over 23% in 2019 alone, and is the best performing TSP fund when taken on a YoY returns basis.

Latest TSP Growth Returns related to the last 12 Months, YTD and the last month

Given below are the details of the growth rates of TSP funds for the last 12 months, the year-to-date & the past month.



  G Fund F Fund C Fund S Fund I Fund
Month 0.14% 0.28% 2.16% 1.93% 3.60%
YTD 1.93% 8.82% 23.14% 19.83% 17.28%
12 Month 2.46% 11.50% 14.31% 9.07% 11.48%


  L Income L 2020 L 2030 L 2040 L 2050
Month 0.70% 0.79% 1.67% 1.95% 2.20%
YTD 6.06% 7.55% 13.47% 15.72% 17.61%
12 Month 5.21% 5.89% 9.28% 10.45% 11.36%


The FRTIB or Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board reported stats resulting from the commencement of the AWP or Additional Withdrawals Project, which was implemented in September. This move gave TSP participants increased access to use their accounts.

Age-based fund withdrawals grew by 254%, Partial Withdrawals grew by 333% & Single Payment Transfers-Out fell by 47%.

TSP Stats

On Monday after this project was deployed, this contact center had more volume compared to any other peak day. Due to this, a blip was caused in the services levels. Following the implementation of the AWP, the average daily number of calls placed grew by over 2000.

Average TSP Balances and TSP Participants

As of Sept 2019, here is the information regarding the total number of TSP participants present in major categories & the average TSP fund balance for every group.

Number of
FERS 3,474,164 $144,465 595,736 $14,524
CSRS 302,883 $155,119 10,111 $22,340
Uniformed Personnel 1,349,406 $27,790 546,994 $9,968

TSP Interfund Transfers in October

G Fund was able to receive a considerable amount of money compared to other TSP stock funds in Oct. Over $1.9B was transferred back into this G Fund. Other funds experienced a completely different trend though: $72M was transferred out of the I Fund; $999M out of the S Fund & $836M out of the C Fund. Lifecycle funds took in over $87M.

November 1 saw the markets experience a strong surge thanks to a favorable jobs report released by the Labor Department. We sincerely hope that all TSP fund investors enjoy another month with favorable TSP returns.

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