An Increase In Take-Home Pay Is Coming – How Will You Use It?

An Increase In Take-Home Pay Is Coming – How Will You Use It?

Within the next two months, the average American worker will likely see an estimated increase in their take home pay of $70 a paycheck, or $2,000 a year, due to the 2017 Tax Reform Act.

It’s anticipated that most Americans will immediately absorb the extra money as part of their normal budget spending; $70 per pay period could easily justify a nice dinner out or a new phone or cable upgrade for many individuals.

Think about how you can use this increase towards your retirement benefits.

The Benefit Coordinators can help advise you on how to make this windfall work in your favor. We have the experience, knowledge, and professionalism to advise you on the decisions will make your future retirement more enjoyable. The decisions you make today will make a huge difference in the future.

Contact us today and make an appointment to consult with one of our federal benefit coordinators. We can help you with your financial planning and help you understand your federal employee benefits.